Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Astronomy 101

Last week or so I gave a talk to a standing room only house, 46 people, at the Truro Library on Astronomy. The title of the talk was called "Astronomy 101: What I Can See in the Sky Tonight."

I talked about the Milky Way, Constellations, Moon, Jupiter the Perseids and Light Pollution. I tried to give some detail but not too much, didn't want to overwhelm anyone, nor bore anyone. The crowed listen attentively, asking questions both during the talk and after the talk.

Afterwards, I set up the Burgess 5" refractor for a look at the Moon and Jupiter. Clouds were very much threatening but they stayed clear and all who wanted to were able to see both them. I had a little patter going on, talking about the terminator on the moon and central peaks, and then talking about the moons of Jupiter and the cloud bands.

I'd really like to thank both Dave Martin who had been the scheduled speaker and Sharon Sullivan of the library for making it all happen.

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